Aug 22, 2016

Fall Into Creativity!

School’s back in session.  Most vacations have ended.  Your work commute and traffic is a nightmare once again.  Yup, Fall is rapidly approaching.  And with it comes cooler temps, shorter days, and longer nights.  But don’t fret just yet, you can still Fall Into Your Creativity with these simple tips from I’m going to give them a try for myself.
  1. Wake up Early.  I am not and I repeat NOT A MORNING PERSON!  I’m not particularly a night owl either.  My juices start to really get going around 10 AM, and oftentimes throughout the night I may wake up with a creative idea that I’ll jot down or type into my phone before going right back to bed.  According to, the trick is to get up early every day, avoid naps throughout the day, and stick to it. 
  2. Exercise Frequently.  Once upon a time I had a gym membership.  But I found that I was hardly going do to an increase in shirt orders and responsibilities.  Not only for creativity purposes, but for health purposes, I will incorporate exercise into my routine.  Starting off small with walking and a few free yoga classes in the community. 
  3. Stick to a Strict Schedule.  One would imagine that a creative mind is all over the place with no direction.  Although I juggle many thoughts in my head, I really am a planner.  The problem is sticking to the schedules and plans that I have established.  This Fall my goal will be to make it stick. 
  4. Keep Your Day Job.  According to, “Day jobs provide more than the much-needed financial security to create freely. They also add structure to your day that can make your creative time a wonderful release.”  Sometimes it feels as if my day job gets in the way of my business and creative inspiration, because of the time required for me to be there.  But it provides financial security – something less I would have to stress about, and in many cases an opportunity for me to learn more for my own business. 
  5. Learn to work anywhere, anytime.  It was nice to learn that Steve Jobs started Apple in his Mom’s garage.  J.K. Rolling, author of Harry Potter began writing her first book on a napkin sitting on a train; and Kevin Plank, owner of Under Armour, started in a little row house in D.C.  Kharismatic Kreations started out in my parent’s basement.  Half of my production now resides in my 2 bedroom condo and the other half still in my parent’s basement with hopes of moving into a bigger space Summer 2017.  Do not let space and/or financial limitations limit your creativity.  Make it work. 
  6. Learn that creative blocks are just procrastination.  “As long as your heart is still beating, you have the ability to come up with new ideas and execute them. They may not always be great ones, but the greatest enemy of creativity is inactivity.”  Over the years Kharismatic Kreations has continued to evolve – from various t-shirt designs and custom printing options, to the Kharismatic Karavan Mobile Boutique, and now our new branded YouTube channel So Kharismatic!  Creativity is evolution.  When you fail to create, you fail to grow.  So Fall into Your Creativity!