Oct 20, 2014

Let Your Creative Light Shine

In preparation for the 15th Great Halloween Lantern Parade and Festvial, the Creative Alliance in Baltimore hosted a lantern making event this past Sunday.  The lanterns made will be used during the parade at the fun, festive, family-oriented event taking place on Saturday, October 25.  Think Disney World Magic Kingdom Electrical Light Parade but all DIY.  Kenedi and I will be there with our DIY Monster High costumes.  Click here to see how I created them.

My mini was not with me at the event yesterday; she was spending quality time with her father, but I made sure to go so that I could make her a lantern to participate in the parade.  This craft was really easy to make.  It didn't take a lot of supplies and could be used for a variety of celebrations or for everyday use. If your child is afraid of the dark like Kenedi, this could be a really cool and personable night light.  The supplies that we were given included scraps of black construction paper, multi colored transparency paper, glue sticks, scissors and a blank lantern made out of taped pieces of sturdy plastic with a tiny flash light taped inside of it.

To create the lantern, all you need to do is cut pieces of the transparent colored paper and construction paper and tape it to the plastic surface into any design, shape, or pattern you like.  Word of advice:  try to have a design concept in mind before you start cutting and applying pieces of paper to your lantern.  Think about whether you want to tell a story, display a theme, etc.  I did not have a master plan so I found myself sitting, cutting, applying, and reapplying over and over again.  It also helps if you use black construction paper or a black sharpie to outline shapes, the black contrast pops off of the light.  
After we were done decorating our lanterns we were each given a long piece of bambo to hang it from to use on parade day.  I was so inspired by some of the creative and intricate lanterns I can't wait to see them all lit up at the parade next week.  

To make this craft at home, try using a milk carton or any other sturdy piece of plastic.  Check back in to see more lanterns from the parade next week.  

Oct 12, 2014

Ghoul Glam

Project Runway with hosts Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum is one of my TV obsessions; I especially love the challenges where the designers have to "make it work" by upcycling past looks and unconventional materials.  I enjoy seeing them get inspired by the simplest things such as a walk on the streets of NYC, or a piece of jewelry, or nostalgic characters like Miss Piggy or American Girl Dolls.  So when my daughter requested to be a Monster High Doll for Halloween I had mixed emotions.  On one hand I had to accept the fact that my little girl was leaving the magical world of Disney where everything is princess inspired faith, trust and pixie dust (she hasn't completely abandoned the magic).  But on the other hand a Monster High costume could be a fun challenge to make, and she could wear the pieces individually after Halloween.  So I accepted the challenge.

INSPIRATION:  Draculaura

Kenedi requested to be Draculaura
Draculaura typically wears pink, black and white.  Her skirts are short and frilly and she wears a ruffle/vintage-like shirt and a fitted vest or jacket.  The key items that I made to reinvent her look included a pink, black and white tulle skirt and customized a denim vest.

You've probably seen YouTube tutorials on how to make a tutu.  As much as I love Project Runway I can not sew, so this no sew method is easy and cute.

Purchase tulle from any craft store. The tulle I used was 50% off at Michaels.  For a fuller skirt get at least 4 spools.  You will also need elastic. 
Measure your tulle to your model.  Once you have decided the length of your skirt, start cutting the tulle into strips.  You are going to fold the strips over so you want to cut twice the size of the length for each strip. 
Tie the elastic around your model, dress form or even a chair.  I didn't tie it too tight at first because I wanted to leave room for any alterations if needed.  Using two pieces of tulle, wrap it around the elastic and tie it.  Pull tightly.  For a fuller skirt use more strips of tulle. 

Continue to tie the tulle around the skirt until all of the elastic is covered. 

I added a sequin bow to the front of the skirt for an extra touch of glam.
For Draculaura's jacket, I scored a thrifted denim vest for only $2.23.  I customized it by printing the official Monster High logo on the back (so she knows it's real).
Kharismatic Kreations prints customized jackets, hoodies, and sweatshirts too!

Add on a pink wig, and a ruffle shirt, and Kenedi is too ghoul for school!

INSPIRATION:  Clawdeen Wolf

I'm not a super huge fan of Monster High, but if I had to pick, I would have picked Clawdeen.  Maybe it's my love of animal print that draws me to the foxy wolf.  But nonetheless, Kenedi had her mind made up to be Draculaura.  So I decided to participate in the dress up fun as Clawdeen.  The only items I had to make for this particular costume was a tulle skirt for me and wolf ears.  I used the same process to make a tulle skirt in my size. The wolf ears were really easy.

I used a wired headband I already had and 2 pipe cleaners.  Just shape the pipe cleaner to a point and wrap the remainder around the headband.  Repeat for each ear. 
The rest of my costume included items I had in my closet.  A leopard pencil skirt was pulled up and used as a tube top and covered with a shrug. 
Some added fur to my shrug would have been a nice touch.
 Ghoul Glamming!!

Oct 5, 2014

Pumpkin Princess

The changing of leaves, the smell of warm apple cider, crisp, cool air, and pumpkin everything – it’s fall y’all!  To kick off the fall season, Michael’s Craft Store had a kid-centric pumpkin decorating event that featured discounted craft pumpkins, and the use of free embellishments like paint , stickers, pipe cleaners, and jewels.  As my daughter Kenedi decorated her pumpkin, the creative juices in my head started flowing.  “A cute glitter chevron print would be nice, or polka dots, or a simplistic monogrammed pumpkin…”  But I let Kenedi continue to express her creativity by completely covering her pumpkin with different colored paint; oh, and eyeballs. 

I decided to grab me a pumpkin to go to decorate at home.  My original plan to create a glittered chevron pumpkin was derailed while walking the dog with Kenedi.  I was inspired by the fabulous fall foliage.  I made a moment with Kenedi by telling her we were going on a scavenger hunt for leaves.  I had her collect different fall colored leaves in different sizes.  I headed to my craft studio and grabbed some other items that I already had on hand.  Here’s what I used:

  1. Craft Pumpkin (50% off at Michaels) - $5.00
  2. Mod Podge from Michaels (love this stuff!) $8.99
  3. Glitter (already had on hand)
  4. Scissors
  5. Decorative Ribbon (already had on hand)
  6. Leaves Picked by Kenedi (my Mini)
I started off with applying the decorative ribbon to the pumpkin.  I used a brush to apply mod podge so the ribbons would stick, but a hot glue gun would have worked better and perhaps a little less messy.  
Pumpkin with Ribbons and Glitter Added

Next, because I still had glitter on my mind from my original idea of a glittered chevron design, I decided to put green glitter on the stem of my pumpkin.  Now, I would recommend waiting until the end of the project to use the glitter because it gets everywhere!

Once my ribbons were on and secure, I moved on to situating my leaves the way I wanted them.  You should definitely use a hot glue gun to apply the leaves, it was tricky to get them to stick.  Patience is key.
Carefully applied leaves.
After the leaves stayed in their place, I didn't feel quite finished.  I decided to add some more glitter to the leaves.  What can I say I like glitz and glam!  Check out the finishing touch.  Not including the cost of the Mod Podge that I wil use for other projects as well, this crafty kreation only cost me $5.00 to make.  My pumpkin is Pottery Barn worthy!   

Finished product!