Oct 5, 2014

Pumpkin Princess

The changing of leaves, the smell of warm apple cider, crisp, cool air, and pumpkin everything – it’s fall y’all!  To kick off the fall season, Michael’s Craft Store had a kid-centric pumpkin decorating event that featured discounted craft pumpkins, and the use of free embellishments like paint , stickers, pipe cleaners, and jewels.  As my daughter Kenedi decorated her pumpkin, the creative juices in my head started flowing.  “A cute glitter chevron print would be nice, or polka dots, or a simplistic monogrammed pumpkin…”  But I let Kenedi continue to express her creativity by completely covering her pumpkin with different colored paint; oh, and eyeballs. 

I decided to grab me a pumpkin to go to decorate at home.  My original plan to create a glittered chevron pumpkin was derailed while walking the dog with Kenedi.  I was inspired by the fabulous fall foliage.  I made a moment with Kenedi by telling her we were going on a scavenger hunt for leaves.  I had her collect different fall colored leaves in different sizes.  I headed to my craft studio and grabbed some other items that I already had on hand.  Here’s what I used:

  1. Craft Pumpkin (50% off at Michaels) - $5.00
  2. Mod Podge from Michaels (love this stuff!) $8.99
  3. Glitter (already had on hand)
  4. Scissors
  5. Decorative Ribbon (already had on hand)
  6. Leaves Picked by Kenedi (my Mini)
I started off with applying the decorative ribbon to the pumpkin.  I used a brush to apply mod podge so the ribbons would stick, but a hot glue gun would have worked better and perhaps a little less messy.  
Pumpkin with Ribbons and Glitter Added

Next, because I still had glitter on my mind from my original idea of a glittered chevron design, I decided to put green glitter on the stem of my pumpkin.  Now, I would recommend waiting until the end of the project to use the glitter because it gets everywhere!

Once my ribbons were on and secure, I moved on to situating my leaves the way I wanted them.  You should definitely use a hot glue gun to apply the leaves, it was tricky to get them to stick.  Patience is key.
Carefully applied leaves.
After the leaves stayed in their place, I didn't feel quite finished.  I decided to add some more glitter to the leaves.  What can I say I like glitz and glam!  Check out the finishing touch.  Not including the cost of the Mod Podge that I wil use for other projects as well, this crafty kreation only cost me $5.00 to make.  My pumpkin is Pottery Barn worthy!   

Finished product!

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